
We all respond differently to any sort of bereavement, and the complexity around suicide doesn’t help. There is no right or wrong way, and it different within the family environment too.

We are all individuals who each had a unique relationship with the person who has died, and so the support needed can be different too.

Our team can visit the whole family together and work out who needs what support, and the difference we will manage.

There are times when a family want to come together and have the opportunity to remember the person they have lost; to talk together about the person, looking at videos, going to places the person loved, creating memory boxes can also be comforting.

Supporting a person to write their feelings down on paper can be helpful, spending time outside and plenty of self-care. Developing rituals can be helpful a way of marking a person’s life can all be ways to help manage the intense feelings of loss.

We can work with the differences in a family help put together the best support your family. When other express their grief different, it doesn’t mean that they don’t care, there are many different ways to manage. It can become difficult if you can’t relate to their way of grieving, which is why 1:1 support can help. Often some family members don’t want to express their grief for fear of upsetting others around them, especially if those people had a very close relationship with the person who died.

Remember, that professional support can offer you the safe space to explore these difficult feelings, with compassion, patience and understanding without having to worry about how others will react.


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Read on to find out more about suicide bereavement can affect members of the same family: (Credit UKSoBs.org)